Basically, Network Marketing allows any person to represent a successful company to earn residual income through teams supporting each other through multiple levels.
The theme is work one hour, get paid multiple team commissions, versus work one hour and get paid one hour.
Of course, history has also shown the matrix discrepancies, huge disparities of income, unforgiveable hype minus business training, and broken opportunities by the vast majority of networkers.
But history has also shown that a few legacy MLM companies have produced millionaires and top income earners for incredible lifestyles if important factors are played correctly.
History is offering such an opportunity for network marketers who understand these two factors:
- The time to join a company is at its CONCEPTION.
- Help to build its CRITICAL MASS before the rest of the world joins.
Network Marketers have such a once-in-a-lifetime historic opportunity now with the RIGHT TIMING and POSITIONING with unique Swiss MLM called Electi.
Some will understand this…some won’t. Their question is the same:
New MLM opportunity ELECTI (means choice) is a joint venture with Swiss Pharmacan, a 25 year old Pharmaceutical Company aligned with three universities.
New Worldwide Launch happens January 2024.
Are you Interested in Good Health — delivery system matters vs pills
— Double-blind studies, tested, patented liquid drops 1/1000th size of human cell with enhanced absorption rates of 98%+
— supplementation for Peak Immunity, Multivitamins, Beaming Beauty, Weight Loss, D3 Defence, Smart Energy (minus caffeine) etc.
Are you Interested in Travel?
— get $50 monthly Travel Voucher with membership
— access travel portals with wholesale discounts up to 85% on hotels, airfares, resorts, holidays, etc.
Are you interested in Digital Education / Self Improvement?
— choice of hands-on courses with live interactive trainers on various topics: forex trading, digital marketing, social media, crypto currency, etc.
Are you Interested in Making Money?
— lucrative pay plan that’s easy to understand. Example: Get 3 personal referrals and your membership is free. 12 persons on team earns $400 (personal, upline, spillover)
— check matches and loyalty bonus pool
— unique: your 100 monthly membership points ( credits) can be applied to choice of health product, travel or educational experience.
Are you Interested in Industry Leading Marketing App? …no extra charge
— keeps daily Contact Manager tracking App, capture pages, videos, messages and follow up
— helps to adapt your marketing behavior …. missing accountable piece for networkers’ success
Your turn to discover more about this life-changing company.
— Learn more about the future of Nutrition … how 8 drops can turn nutrients into superpower cells.
— Share their Vision of Culture of Choice and Lifestyle : Health, Wealth Education and Happiness
You are invited to participate in 2 LIVE WEBINARS Daily
3PM Eastern Time here
9PM Eastern Time here
There is still a top spot to lock into if history proves right to start MLM membership at Conception of a great company and help build its Critical Mass. It’s the best way to fill up a comp plan.
You still have a spot most people only dream to get into a launch this big.
Questions and comments are welcome,
Annemarie Berukoff
250 304 9710 PST
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