Thursday 2 May 2024

10 STEPS to Fix Health Care Crisis via Future Daily Drops Dietary Supplements


Measure the cost of supplements as a long-term investment in health. It is only a fraction of long term costs compared to a chronic disease.

PREAMBLE: One of the most popular articles on was by Elon Musk 10 Story Telling Tips to Nail Your Pitch from Elon Musk

Note: these 10 Steps are Useful to Promote Any Groundbreaking Innovations.

No one doubts Mr. Musks’ selling acumen with magnetic audience participation … in this case, selling Powerwall Solar Panels.

In my opinion, from an individual point of view, to have a personally successful MLM Network Marketing home business in a rapidly diversifying economy is as important as solar panels might be to an industrialist.

So I took the challenge to use his 10 Steps as a way to promote a launch of an international nutraceutical MLM legacy company with healthcare breakthroughs via new clinical technology for optimal cellular health.

  1. NAME THE ENEMY — this is how it is today … IT SUCKS!

FIX this Problem — healthcare costs continue to rise spending trillions on treatments of chronic diseases and mental health conditions crossing into more age groups. Consumers spend billions on prescriptiondrugs. Yet outcomes are getting worse every year, with massive increases in diabetes, obesity, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

What causes these underlying problems?

— health care is based on medical management to treat diseases in an office rather how to prevent them outside the office.

— food supply is severely depleted via mass agricultural production and marketing of ultra processed foods.

— global health is in decline where nutritional deficiency is leading cause of lack of micronutrients best addressed with efficient dietary supplements.

2. CREATE URGENCY — a solution that works wherever you are

Dietary supplementation is always considered to be an essential way to provide the necessary vitamins and minerals from a depleted food supply. The Big Question is out of a vast conglomerate of suppliers, which manufacturer relies on long-term scientific clinical research that shows the best consumer results?

The urgency is to find the most effective delivery system to maintain nutritional balance with full spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and immune defence factors capable of nourishing cells directly vs metabolic digestion beyond pills and liposomes?

3. AGITATE THE PROBLEM — things will get worse

The focus on healthcare has to move beyond relegated medical treatment and drug prescriptions to better manage chronic cellular diseases that are caused by inflammatory factors and lack of healthy bioavailable nutrients.

Healthcare needs to focus on the primary structures and functions of CELLS that need proper micronutrients to optimise and integrate all the body’s systems.

In fact, the health of a single cell holds the key to the health, or disease of the body.

Millions of cells must be regenerated every minute of every day based on a balance of micronutrients from food for energy, building, repairing and protecting against disease.

If right supplementation is so critical, then look for better solutions than ingredients for pills, liposomal products or infusions. Look for dietary supplements that are fast, safe, efficient with enhanced bioavailability at a cellular level first.

4. OFFER THE MISSING PIECE OF THE PUZZLE — what is happening now

Apply more clinical research from bio-scientists with advanced knowledge of how human biology works, its phytonutrient integrity, what causes chronic diseases and how to prevent them with preemptive treatments.

A patented Swiss Pure Cell technology allows for fast and safe cellular absorption with water encapsulation of essential all-natural micronutrients 1 /1000th size of human cell for better protection, stability, solubility, improved intestinal permeability and cellular targeting…gluten, GMO and allergen free.

5. SPARK INTRIQUE — do something collectively for success

Imagine a world where your body can absorb up to 98% of the vitamins and nutrients it needs.

Learn more about 20 year old Swiss nutraceutical manufacturing company called Swiss PharmaCan with developing research how to help protect, nourish and regenerate healthy individual cells.

Learn about their patented Pure Cell Technology Daily Drops that are powerful enough to revolutionize health management with clinical studies that confirm cutting-edge solutions to change health care.

Will pills and powdered supplements become irrelevant in future nutrition?

6. SELL BENEFITS NOT FEATURES — what gives safety, security and affordable solutions?

Currently Electi offer 5 Daily Drops products for Energy, Immunity, Weight Loss, Mental clarity, Anti-Aging, Pain Relief … all in 8 drops twice a day

One product is called Peak Immunity with a transformative formulation of Curcumin, Frankincense and Vitamin C to support a strong personal immunity in an unpredictable environment. Isn’t this the best place to start?

The plan in development is for 150 products.

7. SHOW DONT TELL — bring the solution alive and make it personal

Watch official business video.

8. BUILD TRUST — what do customers say

Imagine taking a supplement and feeling it work quickly versus prescriptions or pills as an act of faith that they may work in a month.

Testimonials are unbelievable, undeniable and the main marketing tool for such innovative products. So many people share their results to prove that Swiss Daily Drops are a breakthrough in health options for a variety of health problems and how they never want to be without the product.

In 2018, this technology won the “CPhI Pharmacy Award” for the high innovative value of this patented technology “for the production of biopharmaceutical products with optimal bioavailability.”

The best sales pitch: try a bottle of patented nutraceutical liquid drops to revitalize millions of cells in the body that give you better energy. It’s all you need to tell the world about it. Bjorn Arnstedt — Master Distributor

9. DEMONSTRATE YOUR POTENTIAL — design for social sustainabilty

The high demand market for nutraceuticals continues to expand as 80% of global population prefer to search for wellness and longevity with nutraceutical supplements.

However, the potential is to move beyond most regular products with only a limited ability to deliver key nourishment to the body because of cell permeability, toxicity and low low oral absorption.

It’s relatively easy to develop a product such as a tablet, powder or capsule that contains food bioactive ingredients. It’s much more challenging to deliver a high enough level of cell permeability for those products.

The future of dietary supplements may well be with new technology of microencapsulation of nutrients directly to the cells versus pills or potions

10. SHOW YOUR LONG TERM VISION — be more excited about future accomplishment

Then, along comes a different long term vision for tomorrow.
Let’s start with an open mind, question assumptions, challenge conventional thinking and consider alternatives.

Today, it’s time for a fundamental paradigm shift regarding dietary supplements based on modern clinical research about cellular nutrition and its proven amazing testimonials.

The reality for many is that health care costs are exploding yet individual rates of disease are increasing. Health care can be described as diagnosis, treatment, recovery of disease, illness or other injuries delivered by health professionals within allied fields.

Wellness can be described as using products for preventative health care when you’re technically not sick. If you think healthy lifestyle choices are expensive, try getting sick.

A good healthy lifestyle is a collaboration united in personal growth to incorporate wellness with food choices, exercise and efficient dietary supplements. Sickness is not natural and no amount of money can buy back health once lost.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of treatment!

You must believe deeply that health, as defined by wellness, is attainable by every single person. It’s not rocket science, it’s not complex and it doesn’t require a prescription around every turn. Align the elements of your body with its natural environment and expand a culture of caring for your best potential.

Questions and comments are always important. Set a time for a talk.

Mary (Annemarie) Berukoff

250 304 9710 PST

NOTE: Swiss Pharmacan has a MLM joint venture called Electi (means choice in Latin).

In many ways, this is true back-to-basics network marketing with a product that works well with word-of-mouth marketing at ground level.

Share with 3 people who duplicate with 3 business partners each and the product is free.

This opportunity offers a unique All-in-One Lifestyle of Future Health Science, Travel, Lucrative Compensation and Personal Development.

Sometimes, all it takes is watching a special webinar that sets a new foundation and purpose to make some serious new health and wealth choices. Request a link.

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