Saturday 17 June 2023

How WGF Builds More Intelligent Network Marketing Business than GTP-Chat … Each 4 Steps Competition


Just remember that your “Natural” Intelligence is far superior than the current “Artificial” Intelligence.


We exist in an internet dominated world where the quality of our existence depends on how well we can navigate this ever changing sphere of influence controlling so much of our culture and business without losing our identity or reality. This amazing fingertip technology gives control what we want, buy, amuse, excel or learn BUT why isn’t it simpler to make money online?

Will ChatGPT help us?

Can ChatGPT ever create a webinar like the link below?


I am a teacher considered to be a purveyor of “intelligence” so I’m stymied by the term “artificial” intelligence … you either know or you don’t know if you’re human with emotional and intellectual weight ... a “he” or “she” or “they.” But ChatGPT shouldn’t be able to use personal pronouns when it is an “IT.”

So, who can better relate to the common individual trying to find an independent voice in this complex all-consumptive internet?

Biggest Question

Will it be a WHAT of Facts or a WHO of Success who will best develop and sustain a belief in home business success in tough economic times for independent financial security?

Will the almighty virtual data base of knowledge simplify the right logical winning details to make money online?

Or do people still need a base to care about, a community to like and trust others with experience, expertise and generosity to share?

Infiltration of Data Via Entrepreneurs

In the early 2000’s, there was more possibility for skilled entrepreneurs to master internet media and generate receptive markets for new customers. But bigger and bigger corporations emerged with help from Google Search that was no longer interested in the little guys but preferred corporate giants with money making algorithms.

Now AI has infiltrated these behemoths with the power to control and manipulate data like publicly traded companies, start-up venture capitalists, academics and non-profits, news and advertising media who are trying to seize pivotal roles to maximize this information technology.

Then in Nov 2022, an artificial intelligence software called GTP Chatbox was released with ability to “transfer learning for conversational applications with articulate answers across many domains of knowledge.”

Even the network marketing industry spontaneously responded with online marketing systems to fully integrate the latest Chatbox software to funnel traffic, write emails, create websites, make social posts and blogs written in seconds based on a handful of keywords ready to go live in seconds.

But wait a second.

Will this ever be the substitute for marketing without human word-of- mouth contact and caring? Will customer relationships lack the truthfulness of asking and listening to the right questions with sincere answers?

Or will this industry fall prey again to the top AI guys winning without the relationship rules with mass advertising of captivating copy that very few networkers will know how to manage or follow-up except to continue to forfeit dreams on improbability?


So how smart is GTP Chatbox to start a suitable internet home business ?

This question was asked by somebody who wanted Chatbox GPT-4 and a “budget” of $100 with the goal of making as much money as possible, as quickly as possible. (Read article)

Here was the whole plan summarized in 4 steps:

  1. Spend $10 on a domain and get cheap $5 hosting.
  2. Use the remaining $85 to design and create content for an affiliate site with niche specialty items like kitchen gadgets, unique pet supplies or eco-friendly products.
  3. Leverage social media to get traffic.
  4. Optimize for search engines with long-tail keywords and on page SEO

Makes you wonder if Chatbox ever experienced the difference between failure and success? Or is this another corporate ploy to diminish your abilities and potential by blaming the wrong system?

Such mundane, misery-causing steps based on some algorithms, not proven reality.

A website can take up to 6 months to be popular and profitable. Content creation faces aggressive competition. Need a host of low retail prices to make a profit especially as an affiliate. Hard to find keywords that rank in the first place.

And Chatbox didn’t mention the bounce rate of number of people who “look and leave” in 30 seconds or less. Usually less.

Where is the creativity, the art direction or the audience development?


We Got Friends is a unique, global opportunity to empower people around the world with their state-of-the-art software system known as Nitroline that’s coupled with their lead generation academy system.

SYSTEM: Internet Master Minds Compound their Successful Marketing Knowledge as Leverage for All Marketers to Build Their Teams and Profits

Here is their plan summarized in 4 steps keeping it simple and duplicatable:

  1. Become an Independent Consultant (IC) with One-time annual $20. Buy a Diamond Package ($69 monthly) total of $89.95. Get professional sales funnels and marketing tools to help you succeed.
  2. Access our Savings ClubCash Back ClubWGF Discounted Travel PortalLink-In-Bio Builder and Digital Hacks Library
  3. Receive 100 opt-in home business leads monthly to contact by phone, email or SMS and experts’ help to close the sales.
  4. Earn commissions in 6 ways including a global one line Nitroline

The really exciting part of the New Digital Economy is you don’t need to have that amount of knowledge to play the game if you have the right masterminds’ training, mindset and tools. Disruptions are common with advancing technologies — why not home business?

The time for intellectual internet channels of distribution have never been more auspicious. Now the prime real estate on the internet is the computer screen or the cellphone. Virtual data, the stream of electrons in cyberspace, becomes the source of abundance and profits…many of which you contributed to online. Shouldn’t you also benefit with a system that works with expert leverage and team duplication?


What will you CHOOSE?

I want faith in an internet marketing system with proven steps to put MYSELF, not an ITSELF, into a position of more certainty, independence and income security.

We Got Friends Launch only comes ONCE. Hindsight is always 20–20. Under 100 Bucks for the Opportunity of Your Lifetime…

Here is a Webinar You Can Share and Let People Watch It 24/7

Questions and comments are always welcome,

Annemarie Berukoff 250 304 9710 PST

Index of Articles About We Got Friends New Industry Changing Digital Marketing Company for Greater Success

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