Willpower is for losers. Systems are for winners!” David Frey
One MLM foundation has stood the test of time:
MLM or network marketing is the only business where an average person with above average hopes can start with minimal capital and a little sweat equity to earn financial independence.
The biggest resolution is to answer the difference between TWO statements about what’s more important for home business success:
Here’s WHY I want a home business.
Here’s HOW I build my home business.
I have long criticized this business for OVERHYPING the WHY features. It’s simply unrealistic to start a home business fueled by WHY DREAMS like so many spark plug conversations do.
Of course, given a choice, we all want more rewarding lives — redundant.
Once I was told to find Facebook friends, just post a picture of yourself talking about your dreams as a magnetic manifestation to others who don’t care.
Others have said get a personal trainer to build a more positive mindset; then you can enjoy bigger dreams to make your life story come true. You have to change your mindset and work hard.
Then, just find other people who resonate … dreams just doesn’t multiply this way.
How can any one personal WHY consciousness pass from one person to another when different people have different visons, hopes or destinations? Sometimes, money may not be the first value.
There is no metric for measuring dreams or hopes comparable to each other. Systems and actions are measurable and cumulative.
Once, I even made a cartoon called Blunder #1 that outlined how the WHY dream didn’t work.
Beyond the WHY exists the HOW to build the physical shape of a MLM networking business. The structure is a multi-level matrix filled with personal referrals and their indirect referrals. Its fuel is the multiplication factor to leverage masterminds and duplicate marketing systems.
Compare dreamscapes to real landscapes with a solid building signifying a successful home business. Dreams float by like wishful clouds sinking into a beautiful sunset thinking of tomorrow that never comes.
Obviously, you need a skill set bigger than a mindset to materialize a solid functional multilevel structure.
Networking reality is based on sharing real products based on real results and sales conversions where the HOW becomes a more important question to use properly as a an exponential function.
In fact, it could be said that the seduction of “why” is the classic link bait. So many images of exploding money and happy people on tropical holidays. Under the façade of emotional hyperbole is the grind of brick by brick construction.
“A good tool improves the way you work. A great tool improves the way you think.” Jeff Daneman
Here’s an interesting organic comparison.
Let’s compare a successful home business to a wonderful golden egg sitting on the horizon like a dream if only you can get it.
You also know that building a complex structure like a tree or a mammal requires many capabilities.
So, here’s the age old question: Which came first, a chicken or an egg?
The only answer is that the chicken had to come first in order to lay the egg.
In fact, it’s the extraordinary structure and production system of a chicken that allows her to lay an egg with all its goodness.
Therefore, it’s the extraordinary multiplication structure of an MLM company that allows an average person like me to expect a golden home business within the rules.
The HOW becomes the chief operational value.
Likewise, if you want to experience the golden success of a home business with excellent products, team support, top masterminds and monthly residual income, you also need to have a knowledgeable production system that shows HOW it all comes together.
The GOOD NEWS is networkers can leverage and duplicate expertise to lay wonderful golden eggs without starting from a henhouse itself.
If you become a prospect for a MLM home business the first question to ask is HOW.
Show me the exact steps I need to do to break even or make a 1000 dollars a month. Time? At what cost?
The question of WHY you want to start a business should be asked after the HOW builds your money and you have time to fulfill your dreams.
Every network marketing company (200+) will have their products and systems.
MY HOW TOOLS to share with other prospects about a new Swiss MLM company:
— Watch daily seminar for overview details about proprietary products and one of a kind compensation system http://electizoom.com 6 PM EST
— Be very impressed by amazing testimonials with bioavailable cellular nutrition. Do you know anyone with health problems?
— Try the product to experience extraordinary results for yourself.
— Drop It! Drink It! Share your good health story!
— Find 3 people interested in good health and your product is free.
— Multiply x 3 factor (3 x 9 x 27 = 81) people nets $400 monthly (upline, team growth, overspill).
— Take extreme advantage of joining a team at the top of the next billion dollar wellness company.
Of course in the long run, both a WHY reason and a HOW system can work in tandem. The point is to build on a solid HOW foundation fostered by top networkers with no personal rejection if the elite marketers and professional scientists are ignored.
Famous networkers’ motto: SWSWSW… Some Will Some Won't So What
Questions and comments welcome after you watch my company’s zoom webinar… http://electizoom.com 6 PM PST
Mary (Annemarie) Berukoff
250 304 9710 PST
PS: Love my chickens…had to share how amazing they are.
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