Thursday 6 June 2024

How To Apply for a Network Marketing Position with Worldwide Professional Health and Wealth Opportunity


Accept nothing without examination … reject nothing without consideration

So, you want to make some money online with a network marketing company thinking, “What will it look and feel like to have a financially free life? All I have to do is be able to follow some role models and rules to reach success and security…right?”

Probably your first survival tip is, “It’s up to you. Set your goals. Work harder on yourself … self-discipline … fight for what you want … only the losers quit!”

Your first endeavor in an overload fever gets only a few maybe responses. Customers are getting harder to attract, harder to keep, to persuade, and to sell.

The odds will only increase with “Analysis Paralysis” adding more anxiety and confusion with just reasons to avoid risk because your experience has shown social attraction footprints don’t materialize.

What in the world is missing in this Abundant Marketplace of Digital-On-Demand Economy that should work for real people?

Strangest Anomaly

Network Marketing has created many millionaires to show that motivated downlines and residual commissions work. However, the vast majority of networkers follow a broken, non-duplicatable system that fails to make much money diffusing a sense of defeat, suspicion and a scam-worthy reputation.

So, who is to blame for such disappointment and disparity? Is it the management and top players with large fields of influence who take advantage of vulnerable prospects knowing that making money is linked to sales conversions. How do you do that?

Or, is it the prospects who are misinformed about their obligations because the typical promotional hype is fueled by dreams not proper attitude, work ethic and basic skills?


Just think, you are interested in applying for a company job with a top income potential. Will you be hired just because you apply?

There is no company that would hire an employee without a proper resume of qualifications, experience or vision. In fact, the recruitment process has reasons to be strenuous starting with an application, human resource screening, outline of job descriptions, shortlisting candidates, proficiency interview, and a possible job offer.

Every business works more effectively with best candidates. Why are networkers being shortchanged?

An Interesting Proposition:

Aspiring network marketers should show some proficiency or at least an aptitude to learn the job requirements. After all, there is real potential with the right marketing system for financial security with residual income beyond working for the boss for linear income … work one hour, get paid one hour.

Example of an Application for Network Marketers

1. Online marketing skills — some working background or profiles online…social media…blogging..apps…professional connections.

2. Realistic — won’t deny there is a current networking problem, but look for improvement in a business opportunity built for average people with above average dreams with a little sweat equity and minimal money versus starting a home business from scratch.

3. Optimistic — believe that the only limits to tomorrow are your doubts today and open-minded to follow elite marketers by duplicating their systems. No excuses allowed when all resources are provided. Rejection is not personal.

4. Respectful — treat others like yourself, offer more value than expect in return and believe it’s better together when every one wins.

5. Self-motivated — has self discipline and consistent effort to learn and apply a revolutionary kind of internet marketing distribution business. Make sure your dreams are based on knowledge or shared expertise not hype.

6. Smart — understand that until you have an asset where you can use expert knowledge to expand your time without physical presence it will be difficult to break the income barrier set by a 40 hour work week working for someone else.


Personally, I am thrilled and honored as a represntative of this amazing company only possible in the MLM Network Marketing World and potential long term income. I don’t know of any corporate company that can offer more opportunity.

Introduction to Electi — an opportunity that offers Health, Wealth, Education and Happiness with unique products, self-development, and travel for an opportunity of a lifetime.

SIX ELECTI BENEFITS offered to business members

1. Products that work

SWISS DAILY DROPS are clinically patented with PureCell Technology that encapsulates micronutrients in water for increased cellular bioavailability. The products are proprietary exclusive in areas people are looking for… energy … weight loss … beauty … pain relief … mental clarity …. anti-aging … mood enhancing.

Discover our products and how Technology improves the effectiveness of nutraceuticals by boosting bioavailability to nearly 100%.

This is the Future of Supplements!

2. Management

Swiss Pharmacare is a corporate public trading company with Electi as a joint MLM arm with International Expansion into Europe, US, and Canada. with 20+ years of clinical trials records and university partnerships.

It has excellent capital, experience, software, global infrastructure with international shipping.

3. Marketing Systems

Electi practices various training segments that explain the 7 steps to success that have stood the test of time that includes Setting GoalsInvitations and Presentations.

— virtual training events for skills, habits, network marketing principles that duplicate to build teams

— work with corporate trainer, Peter Jakobsson, international business philosopher

The formula is simple: Try Them … Like Them … Share Them

Use the Product, Be the Product and Tell Others about the Product.

4. Lucrative Comp Plan

Auto monthly membership buys Electi credits to be used for products, education or travel.

Trinary matrix with 3 legs … get 3 reps — your product is free

— 12 people on a team earn $400 month

— 30 people on a team earn $700 a month, etc.

— Personal Efforts, Growth, Spill over.

— BV business volume points equal monthly purchase (1 to 1)

5. More Choices

Explore Travel Portals

— 30% to 75% off hotels, vacations, airfare, cruises

— receive monthly Electi travel credits to apply to holidays (25, 50, 100 or more)

Education — Personal Growth

— self-education with interactive courses and live coaches with some of the world’s best Personal Development Speakrrs and Events

6. Timing is Perfect with First Mover Advantage

Electi is expected to be a Legacy company like Herbalife or Amway.

You will probably never get a position this high up in a launch this big.

The more you know the more you won’t want to miss your top spot.

Watch 3 videos: Company Presentation, Testimonials and Comp Plan Review.


How much do you offer in return? Check the application again.

Questions and comments are always welcome,

Mary (Annemarie)

250 304 9710 PST

Request More info, You’ll Be Glad You Did!

Your Electi experience is up to YOU!

(Electi is a latin word that means to choose what you want.)

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