Thursday 6 June 2024

Is Network Marketing Dead … Traditional Relationships or Online Internet Rockstars


Remember, people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.

What about your network marketing home business?

Frisky and alive or floundering and anemic?

Depends how you define networking activities as building relationships or online posting for “likes” looking for “loves.”

Can a 2 minute video by a rockstar represent the ideal prospect in the bush? Who can duplicate a rockstar in a home-based business marketing system?


The basic definition of networking is to understand the new prospects about their life patterns and broader map of their life and world.

The main skill is to listen with intention to understand the layers beneath what the other person is saying or looking for.

Success in any network marketing is building long term relationships who happily recommend your product and services.

Success in network marketing home business is about sales conversions which are important sub-skills not easily processed on social media. Human contact needs to happen usually requiring multi-steps to recondition the brain to think differently.

Leverage and duplication are essential tools.

What is the true networking spirit?

Commonly, internet marketers have developed technical skills to blast out ads and videos to followers on huge social platforms. They can accumulate thousands of transactional personal and professional connections. Their credibility factor is lauded based on a numbers game but where is the duplication and educational value of any business partnership?

Follow-ups are crucial that require personal compatibility and conversion.

Even more so now, artifical algorithms play their siren tunes with impeccable features to broadcast more aggressively than benevolently.

But what about regular people who lack the solo speeches, videos and competitive digital content creations? Who wants to listen to people like me when a rockstar is next in line with sounds and instant promises?

Two Realities

There are 2 realities and 2 answers that depend on which reality survives referral marketing system based on individual skills.

Is regular traditional networking about building relationships and creating trust?

Is online rockstar branding about accumulating followers and blasting posts on social media?

Is Network Marketing an exclusive rockstar domain now?

Real Networkers Focus on the best ways to build genuine relationships. They often offer something with no intention to receive in service to others.


— join a network marketing company because of common core values, professional and personal interests

— share a product that has proven benefits for yourself with others who have similar mindsets

— give samples hoping to add value

— look for individuals interested in the products and values they promote

— attend local marketing mixers if available

— engage in real eye-to-eye engaging questions and conversation

What’s your favorite thing to do? What’s exciting in your life outside of work?

(Note: Avoid asking what do you do?)

— listen seriously with focus, body language and facial expressions

— make mental notes for follow-up online or in person — may even share a phone number

— exit graciously…“It was so great meeting you, I look forward to seeing you again soon!”

Chances always improve with a smile and a warm hello as a great place to start


How many people continue to post some kind of advertisements on Facebook? How is that working out for you?

A post cannot engage in meaningful conversation about favorite topics. A good conversation can lead to sharing more information like an article or podcast that can provide value of a new idea discussed. Perhaps it can lead to connection with other likeminded friends.

How can a post listen to people’s problems other than to aggravate their lack of situations?

A post cannot say, “It was so great meeting you, I look forward to seeing you again soon!”

Only a real conversation can invest energy in building new, genuine relationships.


Of course, given a choice, we all look around wanting more rewarding lives.

Too many networkers are told to find Facebook friends, just post your smiling face talking about your dreams as a magnetic manifestation to others who don’t know you, believe or care.

Others are told to get a personal trainer to build a more positive mindset so you can enjoy bigger dreams for a better life story with better profiles to post.

Then, just find other people who resonate … people’s unique dreams just don’t multiply this way as they scroll past hundreds of offerings.

The point is real networkers need the fundamental best way to build relationships as everything.

Network marketing success is based on using a system that makes it easy with the right mindset to plug into the right information to the next level to help change people’s health, wealth and happiness.

Undoubtedly your chances improve with 1000 hits vs 5. But the point of conversion still prevails to have a one-to-one human communication to overcome objections and set new goals.

Here’s the point: when was the last time you responded to a network marketing post on Facebook — picture perfect, word emotive?

When did a post make you feel, “You are known, liked and trusted.”

Personal Notes:

I know a fencing contractor whose job is to build fences by pounding posts into hard ground. Physical signposts work; but, what about the mental wiring?

I confess that I build online posts that stretch into far horizons. But in my defense, my posts are blogs that are carefully researched with learning as motivation. At the end, I always ask for comments and questions to begin a conversation. I’d hope my “post” would at least be worthwhile to contemplate as to some educational value.

Relationships make a difference!

I look foward to questions and comments about your network marketing experiences. Let’s set a time to talk.

Annemarie (Mary) Berukoff

250 304 9710 PST

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