Thursday 6 June 2024

Show Respect for Wellness Advocates and Nature’s Bioscience Health Discoveries

GOOD NEWS…You are programmed to be healthy…sickness is an unnatural state

Because health is such a personal priority doesn’t always mean that others should care as much; although, the simple case can be made that the more heathy rules are abided, the more our society will have manifold benefits.

As a serious health advocate, I like to pass on some serious wellness considerations from several wellness advocates. (You can read more stories here — all highly curated and professionally edited.)

— Maintain weight control.

Count this integer for overall wellness to exercise, eat well and practise other healthy behaviors. This can add up to 20 years to a person’s potential time on this planet.

— Protect your immune system.

Daily stress and the Western diet often filled with processed food, sugar, and alcohol that can also activate the immune system’s response as chronic inflammation that is the cause of many serious diseases. Protect its natural immune function before it attacks you for the wrong reasons.

— Try some mindfulness meditation.

This is a key component to overall mental health and physical wellness. You are a being that, at your root, is consciousness. Mindfulness affords you the opportunity to encounter this true nature of your existence.

— Just move more. Just take it to heart.

The bulk of the benefits come with as little as 22 minutes of daily effort and it’s never too late to start. Studies systematically show that running and recreational sports are beneficial. The body can stay resilient and adaptive with good nourishment.

— Start preventing dementia today.

Some signs of mild cognitive impairment precede dementia before settling into the long-term cognitive disease like Alzheimer’s. If only there was a pill for early prevention but there isn’t.

However, there are ways to help slow the progress. The key is how to manage your lifestyle — exercise, diet, stress management, sleep habits, no tobacco, intellectual stimulation, and consistent social engagement. Consistent lifelong insights increases levels of wisdom.

— Get your meds straight.

Some older adults over-medicate with 3 or more prescription medications, some take medication they no longer need, some don’t take an prescriptions. Maintain communication with your doctor to use medicine you need to reduce symptoms or feel better day-to-day.

— Cultivate a little empathy.

Some feel our world has a severe shortage of empathy especially among men. Surveys find that many are unwilling to engage because they think it’ll mean actually doing something. Empathy isn’t always actions…it’s about looking at things from the perspective of others with some understanding.

— If you have kids, really listen to them.

Parenthood is helping little humans become fine big humans by staying attuned to their desires, needs and challenges as well as being aware of your own feelings and motivation…and it’s easy to screw up. Perfection is not required. While some of life’s mishaps and tragedies can’t be prevented, a safety net can be provided with love, flexibility and empathy.

— Embrace frozen fruits and veggies.

Have you wondered if frozen products retain the nutrients as well as fresh products? Yes, frozen fruit and vegetables have nutrient-preserving technology behind them. Blueberries are picked ripe, flash frozen at the spot, less than 24 hours from picking.

— Speak up against sexual assault.

Unwanted and clearly sexualized touching is inexcusable that creates shame, fear and anger. A quick emotional response is appropriate to manage negative thoughts.

— Still, expect plenty of hardship and grief.

There are three things you can’t escape in life: Death, taxes and … hardship. Life is harder for some than others with challenges, disappointment, overwhelming loss and how to deal with grief. There is no “normal” process, no prediction3 and no five stages. It’s personal.

— Get some proper, deep sleep.

Sleep is essential to next-day energy, reduced stress, and long-term physical health and mental well-being. You need higher-quality sleep, which happens only if you spend sufficient time in the critical stage of deep sleep, or what scientists call slow-wave sleep. Something to learn more about.

My Personal Favorite Health Resource

Respect Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse as the source, synergy and maintenance of healthy diet and aging wellness...

— Bioscience Research

New science of bio-nutrition shows that most chronic long-term diseases are based on cellular degeneration because of poor nutrition versus infections best treated by drugs.

Research continues that cells need essential micro-nutrients daily to provide metabolic energy, bodybuilding and protection against oxidative damage or disease.

— Single cells and Cellular Nutrition

Millions of cells must be regenerated every minute of every day based on a balance of micro-nutrients from food for energy, building, repairing and immune system competence at the individual cell level.

Given total nutrients and a strong immune system, your body has amazing healing properties of its own with respect to its cellular integrity. You have an inborn potential for abundance and regeneration with responsibility to maintain cellular functions and structures with food choices.

In fact, the health of a single cell holds the micro-balance or synthesis between wellness stability and the disease process.


Wellness is the desire to stay healthy and avoid disease causing factors.

Nothing is more worthy of a refocused alignment than new changes based on bioscience research to better understand and provide for a healthy body that can avoid diseases with proper nutrition and immune defense.

If nothing else, we are aware at all levels that health care is in crisis mode open to new concepts for optimal care management of chronic cellular dieseases caused by inflammatory factors and lack of healthy bioavailable nutrients.

Nutrition that respects the cellular perspective must be shouted from the rooftops to understand why good food choices are necessary for right biochemical connections to preserve health and avoid disease. The individual cell must be respected with the right nutrients to avoid oxidative stress and protect natural immunity.

Questions and comments are always important. Let’s talk about your wellness plans and healthy goals.

Mary (Annemarie) Berukoff

250 304 9710 PST

PS: Ask me about my important choice of Daily Drops dietary supplements with 20+ years of clinical research in cellular bioavailability. Personal immunity is key.


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